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 testosterone, ED, erectile dysfnuction,,man, Contact us, beautiful man, flawless skin, undereye filler, jawline filler, lip filler, russian lips, babydoll lips, julie horne lips, botox, dysport, injectable cosmetics, menopause, BHRT, bioidentical hormone replacement, Estrogen, progesterone, thyroid, melatonin


THYROID optimization using hormone replacements is extremely effective in improving quality of life and metabolism. The benefits of thyroid optimization include improved energy, memory, and weight loss. Improvements in cholesterol and blood sugar are also associated with effective supplementation.


For additional information or to book your in-person or virtual consultation, click the Contact Us  button,  call us at 587.635.3414 or text us at 780.800.9931

Consultation Process

Initial Consultation Duration: 60 Minutes

Consultation Process: Medical history, medication review, baseline bloodwork and analysis, prescriptions, monitoring, and quarterly follow-up.

Initial Consultation Fee (No Program): $150.00

Program Enrolment  Fee: $375.00
Quarterly Follow up Fees: $175

Prescription Costs: Costs of prescriptions are extra and price varies based on your insurance coverage etc.

Testosterone, ED, erectile dysfunction, man, Contact us, beautiful man, flawless skin, undereye filler, jawline filler, lip filler, russian lips, babydoll lips, julie horne lips, botox, dysport, injectable cosmetics, menopause, BHRT, bioidentical hormone replacement, Estrogen, progesterone, thyroid, melatonin


Optimize energy, memory recall, and weight loss.


Windermere Plaza

213, 5540 Windermere Blvd

Edmonton, AB T6W 2Z8


Tel: 587.635.3414

Text: 780.800.9931

Fax: 844.774.4514



Wednesday & Thursday: 9AM-5PM

Friday: 10AM-3PM



Silk Touch

1102, 8561 8A Ave SW

Calgary, AB T3H 0V5


Tel: 403.454.8196

Text: 780.800.9931

Fax: 844.774.4514



Sunday: 10AM-5PM


© 2024 Infocare Health Consultants, INC DBA ReGenesis

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